iToast Toastmasters Club, iToast for short, is a part of Toastmasters International. We exist for people with a busy schedule in the weekdays but still wanting to be a part of this incredible family. Our metings are held on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Please check the schedule for further details.

In a positive and friendly environment we learn from each other to advance our journey to success. We are aided in this journey by the manuals provided by Toastmasters International, which you can peruse at your own pace.

Through mentorship, positive feedback and openness, our most experienced members will make you feel proud of your achievements.

iToast also fosters cultural exchange by our diverse membership. We are from different parts of the world with the shared objective of becoming leaders.

Our members are our day-to-day inspiration, we always strive to do our best for you. We look forward to your visit.